H Back Sledding Harness


‘H back’ design sledding harness. 

From withers to breast bone along the shoulder ( one side only )
All around the girth
All around the waist
From the withers, all along the back to the base of the tail
From the breastbone, down between the front legs, following the bottom of the rib cage and across the loins to the base of the tail.
See the description for a detailed explanation
This helps us enormously to determine a good fit.
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Made with 1″ wide extra strong webbing

  • Comfort padding in the chest area ( standard ).
  • Choice of 10 different colours.


     Optional belly strap

    The main purpose of this strap is to prevent a dog backing out of the harness and should be considered if your dog has a tendency towards this.

  • Puppies can sometimes wriggle and squirm when their harness is being put on, until they get used to it.

    Others might try and back out of the harness when being attached to the gangline. In either case there is a risk of the dog getting loose.

    If you choose not to have a belly strap then be sure that the dog is wearing a neckline attaching it to the gangline or a running partner, so that it is still attached to something if it ever got out of the harness.

    Single dogs don’t normally have a neckline so the belly strap is quite important for them. A failsafe could be to attach a neckline back to the harness itself, but this is more stuff for the dog to wear and flap around during the run.


Sledding harness measuring guide

Additional information

Weight 315 g


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